Recent discoveries in medical technology have made it possible to stop smoking after one treatment of mild electrical stimulation to the ear. The Micro Current Auricular Stimulation is the latest in sophisticated electronic technology which makes it easy to stop smoking after one session. It is safe and completely painless. It involves no needles and the treatment usually lasts 20 minutes.
This type of auricular therapy is a powerful method, which will make your transition in becoming a permanent non-smoker an easy one. It is utilized world-wide to treat heroin, cocaine, cigarette and many other addictions. Lee Memorial Hospital as well as UCLA Medical Center currently use The Micro Current Auricular Stimulation for stop smoking services. The Acupuncture Center of Bradenton is also very proud to offer this service to the public.
The treatment will virtually eliminate any physical withdrawal discomfort which would otherwise occur. This smooth transition makes quiting an easy and manageable experience.
After your first treatment you will walk out as a non-smoker. After the first ten days you will notice a healthier and cleaner feeling. There will be a heightened awareness of your smell and tastes as well as an ability to breath deeper and more efficiently. You will definitely feel good about yourself as a non-smoker. This treatment is very powerful and will help you to make the transition in becoming a permanent non-smoker easy and effortless in every respect.