*2 cups Magnesium Chloride flakes
(Ancient Bath Salts) or 1 cup Epson salts
1/2 cup baking soda
1 TBS Borax (20 Mule Team Borax)
• Place magnesium chloride flakes, baking soda, and Borax in very warm (hot) purified water in a foot tub.
• Soak for 20mins.-30min (have a towel on hand)
• Soak for, 5 days / 2 days off. (Discontinue with signs of loose stools.)
(optional: “I re-use salts/week, reheating with immersion water heater (2 minutes) / Add 2 tbsp hydrogen peroxide mid-week”)
Enhance Magnesium Absorption:
- Vitamin B6 – Enhances magnesium and increases intracellular concentrations. It is always best to take full spectrum B vitamins such as through specific foods to get the full entourage effect. Isolated B vitamins can deplete other B vitamins and magnesium. *Bee Pollen, beef liver, salmon, stabilized rice bran, and *nutritional yeast are very high in B Vitamins and an excellent way to get B6.
- Bicarbonate – helps get more magnesium inside the cell. Bicarbonate is required for the body to absorb magnesium. The body must have Bicarbonate to absorb magnesium in food or elsewhere. Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) and potassium bicarbonate are both excellent bicarbonate sources.
- Boron – is an element that keeps magnesium inside the cell and helps your body retain it longer, so it can work more efficiently. Boron is an essential antioxidant that helps to transport Magnesium to the bone matrix, 60% of the bone matrix consists of magnesium. Boron helps Calcium move out of the arteries & tissues and back into the bones where it belongs, similar to how K2 functions.
- Avoid Enriched Calcium foods and supplements, excess Vitamin D, and alcohol.
- Magnesium chloride flakes (ancient bath salts) are absorbed slightly better than Epson salts
Muscle Relaxation Is The Goal
To heal the muscles and body you must have good circulation to provide essential nutrients to the body. Chronic muscle tension often inhibits this healing process and that is why I have found magnesium to be a vital supplement in the healing process. Acupuncture helps to relax the muscular and connective tissues and magnesium ensures the vital components too long lasting results.
After decades of treating chronic pain in the Bradenton, Sarasota, and Manatee county area I have found that increasing circulation through Acupuncture, Relaxation, stretching, massage, and or magnesium relieves the majority of chronic pain conditions.
If you are struggling with neck pain, shoulder pain, joint pain, knee pain, hip pain, or any other physical discomfort, please come see me for an initial evaluation and acupuncture treatment. The reason my practice is almost 100% doctor and patient-referred is that my specialty is helping people in physical pain, whether chronic or acute. Feel free to reach out to me, Dr. Barry Greenberg, at 941-749-1807 or text me at 941-545-7337. You and your loved ones do not need to suffer needlessly in pain anymore. I’m thrilled to offer people solutions and hope for a better future.
To Your Health Always,
Barry Greenberg, DOM | Acupuncture Physician | Acupuncture Center of Bradenton |
7458 N Tamiami Trail | Phone: 941.749.1807 | https://acupuncturecurespain.com