According to Medical News Today Acupuncture is a viable solution for many people suffering from neck pain. The promising news is that studies are showing that Acupuncture, which involves the insertion of small needles into specific points in the body, can help alleviate stubborn neck pain and injury.
Acupuncture works by stimulating energy centers in the body to activate the body’s own healing response. The benefit of acupuncture is that it can help your body to heal and the only side-effects are relaxation and restoring balance.
Jodi sits at her desk all day doing computer work. When she came to me for acupuncture, I palpated the area and discovered that it was tight. Jodi confirmed that she holds a lot of tension in her trapezius and neck muscles. She had already tried massage, chiropractic, and visits to her general doctor. Unfortunately, her pain persisted. At the suggestion of her Mother-in-Law, who had been my patient for ten years, Jodi reluctantly decided to try acupuncture.
She was thrilled to discover that not only did the pain in her neck subside, but in general, she felt more relaxed with less tension. She told me that her husband and children noticed that she seemed calmer and more present. This is what is most rewarding for me as an Acupuncture practitioner. Hearing Jodi’s story only confirms for me the wonderful reality that our bodies have the ability to heal when prompted correctly.
Jodi had assumed that she would need invasive therapy before she came to see me for Acupuncture and was delighted to discover that this would not be necessary.
How Many Neck Pain Treatments Are Required?
Jodi experienced relief in just 4 sessions. Some people have a miraculous recovery after only 1-2 sessions, but I find after 30 years in practice, that most people require 3-5 treatments to get the relief that they are seeking.
Will Acupuncture Work for Everyone
Of course, there is no one treatment approach that will work for everyone. Hippocrates encouraged all medical students to take the oath of “Do no harm.” When I studied to become an Oriental Medical Doctor, the fact that acupuncture only has positive side effects was very appealing to me. As a New York City decorated paramedic, I had seen all too often, sadly, people who had been highly damaged due to “mistakes” in their medical care, along the way.
I wanted to make sure that the healing modality I offered my community would only offer relief, with no risk. I am so grateful that after all these decades of serving the Manatee, Palmetto, and Ellenton communities with Acupuncture, I only have positive reports from my patients and their doctors.
If you are struggling with neck pain, shoulder pain, joint pain, knee pain, hip pain, or any other physical discomfort, please come see me for an initial evaluation and acupuncture treatment. The reason my practice is almost 100% doctor-referred is that my specialty is helping people with physical pain, whether chronic or acute. Feel free to reach out to me, Dr. Barry Greenberg, at 941-749-1807 or text me at 941-545-7337. You and your loved ones do not need to suffer needlessly in pain anymore. I’m thrilled to offer people solutions and hope for a better future.
To Your Health Always,